about Oktagon

Oktagon Engineer and Expert Consultant was founded in May 2019 by Steffen Leesch. Its focus lies on consultant and expert services in the areas offshore flight operations, helidecks and helicopter hoist areas as well as engineering services in connection with occupational health and safety.

The following section shortly introduces you to the professional curriculum vitae of Steffen Leesch and shows which qualifications enable Oktagon to advise you optimally.

Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Leesch

German Navy Officer (1998 – 2012)
Dipl.-Ing. Electrical Engineering – University Federal Armed Forces Hamburg (2003)
Helicopter Pilot – Search- and Rescue Service German Navy (2006 – 2012)
Flight Safety Officer (2008)
Consultant and Expert for Helicopter Landing Decks, Helicopter Hoist Areas and Offshore Flight Operations (2012 – today)
Airline Transport Pilot (Helicopters) in German Offshore Wind (2013 – today)
Assessor for Helideck Personnel acc. to OPITO (2016-today)
Occupational Health and Safety Specialist – Fachkraft für Arbeitssicherheit (2019)